Thursday, May 24, 2007
They need to watch out.
Long live the moral majority? Lets hope not. Jerry Fartwell is dead, is that justice? It would only have been so if he had died in the arms of an under aged male prostitute. That's justice. Decades from now, when I am asked how he died, that's how I will remember him. Tied with his hands behind his back, in a sleazy motel room, bible in the nightstand, blue, bloated, and dead.
Its hard to have any sympathy for a man that was so utterly hateful He spit hate with every speech. Surprisingly, the bible does not preach the hatred he and the "moral majority" have clung to. Is there a different bible these creeps are privy to? Perhaps.
As Americans we need to wake up and shake loose the chains of ignorance. We can, and should demand more. Get your fat asses in the streets and demand that your congress person stand up on the House floor and say NO MORE! No more money to Iraq. No more money for "faith based" groups. No more money to no bid contractors.
Its up to us to take back our country and lead it into an age of tolerance and enlightenment.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The greyness of religion
Does God, in her traditionally believed form actually exist? This is a question that many people with the ability to think abstractly will ponder throughout life. It is also a question that organized religion strongly discourages. Those that seek cult-like status have resoundedly answered that question by thrusting themselves up to loudly proclaim “yes, God does exist, and I am He.” With organized religion and cults there tends to be a very fine line separating the two. This is even more pointedly obvious when looking at a definition of the two. Religion defined is the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices. Cult has a very similar definition as a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person or ideal. Both groups also teach using the same book, the Bible. The seemingly limited differences of the two are often only pointed out by the organized religions of the world. This fine line is primarily visible to those that have elected to think and act individually when seeking the comfort of a higher power.
Most religions/cults put forth the very notion that God “formed man of the dust of the ground” (Gen. 2.7). A member of either group that questions the creationism belief can lead to excommunication, the act of banishing a member of a church from the communion of believers and the privileges of the church thereby cutting them off from the religious society. Questioning
the teaching of an organized religion/cult on such a topic is considered heresy which, as defined by the Catholic Church is "a species of infidelity in men who, having professed the faith of Christ, corrupt its dogmas" (Aquinas).
Both groups offer a promise that whatever your past transgretions may be, everything can be forgiven. Beaten a little old lady for her purse? No need to fear, religions/cults have you covered if your concerned about your immortal soul, “therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things become new” (2 Cor. 5.17). So, come to Christ and all is forgiven. There are many passages in the Bible that refer to the clearing of your transgresions by asking forgivness from God. While some of the religions/cults vary on the manner in which you must ask, the result is still the same, your entrance into heaven.
From a major organized religion such as the Catholic Church, down the newest cult Jesus wannabe, all need money to function. Since most use the same text of the Bible, there is no need to beg. Afterall, their God will do the begging for them. In the Old Testiment of the Bible it reads, “and all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, to of the fruit of the tree, is the Lords: it is holy unto the Lord” (Levi. 27.30). This passage is intruprited as everything you have is God’s and you need to share it. If this does not convince church going members to give, then maybe this will: “with blessings, I will bless you…” (Hebr. 6.19). Replacing the word blessing with the word money, one could develope the idea that God, not the Church needs the money. It is a generally accepted practice that your tithing should be ten percent of your gross income. Should that prove to be to much, we have yet another solution for that: “each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9.7).
Many critics of cults come from organized religions themselves. The cult is often portrayed as violent, non comforming, and promotes evil doings to mindless followers. While with some cults that may be true, lets not forget the violent and mindless acts commited in the name of many of the worlds largest religious groups. One does not need to look very far into history to find the first of these countless events. For example, in 1994 a Catholic priest ordered that a bulldozer demolish a church in western Rwanda that was hiding 2000 Tutsi refugees from certain slaughter by the Hutus (NPR). All 2000 were killed. The Catholic church declined to comment. Another Catholic church evil doing was in 1935. The Pope canonised Sir, now Saint, Thomas More. Between 1513 and 1518 he “murdered and burned alive and estimated 300 heretics and reformers, just because their superstitious beliefs differed from his own” (Achroyd 115). The fact that he himself was killed for the same reason does not suddenly absolve him of his crimes. Indeed, it seems like justice. The Islamic religion is no stranger to murder, Andrew Bostom concludes that “the Islamic religion has enslaved and murdered an estimated 137 million christians and africans during the last 1400 year jihad that has been self proclaimed” (253).
While scholars will long debate the differences between religions and cults, I will not. When the line between two entities is so blurred, they in essance become one in the same. A cult can seem odd and distant to some people, just the way the Mormons, Catholics and Islamic people were looked at before their sects were established. I think the difference between cults and religions can only be defined by those sitting in their pews.
Most religions/cults put forth the very notion that God “formed man of the dust of the ground” (Gen. 2.7). A member of either group that questions the creationism belief can lead to excommunication, the act of banishing a member of a church from the communion of believers and the privileges of the church thereby cutting them off from the religious society. Questioning
the teaching of an organized religion/cult on such a topic is considered heresy which, as defined by the Catholic Church is "a species of infidelity in men who, having professed the faith of Christ, corrupt its dogmas" (Aquinas).
Both groups offer a promise that whatever your past transgretions may be, everything can be forgiven. Beaten a little old lady for her purse? No need to fear, religions/cults have you covered if your concerned about your immortal soul, “therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things become new” (2 Cor. 5.17). So, come to Christ and all is forgiven. There are many passages in the Bible that refer to the clearing of your transgresions by asking forgivness from God. While some of the religions/cults vary on the manner in which you must ask, the result is still the same, your entrance into heaven.
From a major organized religion such as the Catholic Church, down the newest cult Jesus wannabe, all need money to function. Since most use the same text of the Bible, there is no need to beg. Afterall, their God will do the begging for them. In the Old Testiment of the Bible it reads, “and all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, to of the fruit of the tree, is the Lords: it is holy unto the Lord” (Levi. 27.30). This passage is intruprited as everything you have is God’s and you need to share it. If this does not convince church going members to give, then maybe this will: “with blessings, I will bless you…” (Hebr. 6.19). Replacing the word blessing with the word money, one could develope the idea that God, not the Church needs the money. It is a generally accepted practice that your tithing should be ten percent of your gross income. Should that prove to be to much, we have yet another solution for that: “each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9.7).
Many critics of cults come from organized religions themselves. The cult is often portrayed as violent, non comforming, and promotes evil doings to mindless followers. While with some cults that may be true, lets not forget the violent and mindless acts commited in the name of many of the worlds largest religious groups. One does not need to look very far into history to find the first of these countless events. For example, in 1994 a Catholic priest ordered that a bulldozer demolish a church in western Rwanda that was hiding 2000 Tutsi refugees from certain slaughter by the Hutus (NPR). All 2000 were killed. The Catholic church declined to comment. Another Catholic church evil doing was in 1935. The Pope canonised Sir, now Saint, Thomas More. Between 1513 and 1518 he “murdered and burned alive and estimated 300 heretics and reformers, just because their superstitious beliefs differed from his own” (Achroyd 115). The fact that he himself was killed for the same reason does not suddenly absolve him of his crimes. Indeed, it seems like justice. The Islamic religion is no stranger to murder, Andrew Bostom concludes that “the Islamic religion has enslaved and murdered an estimated 137 million christians and africans during the last 1400 year jihad that has been self proclaimed” (253).
While scholars will long debate the differences between religions and cults, I will not. When the line between two entities is so blurred, they in essance become one in the same. A cult can seem odd and distant to some people, just the way the Mormons, Catholics and Islamic people were looked at before their sects were established. I think the difference between cults and religions can only be defined by those sitting in their pews.
Friday, May 4, 2007
latest rant
So, I have been abit busy lately and have neglected all of you in cyber land. I will now make up for all that with a few rants about crap I heard on CNN in the last few days.
The head of the CDC said that during a flu pandemic you should wear a mask. Even though they have not been proven to be of ANY help....your best option, stay away from sick people.... THATS WHAT THIS DUMB BITCH SAID. stay away from sick people is the best thing to do. Thank god that Bush appoints only the most smartest peoples to head the very agencies that protect us. I feel so much safer.
Next, the government of Mexico said that since the year 2000 they have lost more citizens to immigration into the U.S. than death.
Way to go border patrol, keep up all that GREAT work.
Paris Hilton is in jail for 45 days...what can I say....HORRAY! Finally some good news. Maybe she will find a big lez to calm her skinny ass down.
The head of the CDC said that during a flu pandemic you should wear a mask. Even though they have not been proven to be of ANY help....your best option, stay away from sick people.... THATS WHAT THIS DUMB BITCH SAID. stay away from sick people is the best thing to do. Thank god that Bush appoints only the most smartest peoples to head the very agencies that protect us. I feel so much safer.
Next, the government of Mexico said that since the year 2000 they have lost more citizens to immigration into the U.S. than death.
Way to go border patrol, keep up all that GREAT work.
Paris Hilton is in jail for 45 days...what can I say....HORRAY! Finally some good news. Maybe she will find a big lez to calm her skinny ass down.
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