
Sunday, March 25, 2007

Saturday, March 24, 2007

me on youtube!!

The below youtube videos are of me....yes all of me, from the March 18 protests in Portland. I started talking to this guy, and now I am on youtube. My screen debut!

I know

I know, I know, I know....Its been way to long, and I am new to this. Dont get your thong in a bunch. Relax, I am here to set all your thoughts on the correct path to peace. HAHAHa

So, what have I been doing you may wonder? well....I went ot he Portland peace march on the 18th. Ok, I didnt actually march, as being fat is my only goal, but I did go to the end of the march to watch the splinter groups get beat by the police. That was fun. The link actually shows an "interview" I did with an aging hippie. He asked what I thought about what was going on, so I told him. Its interesting to listen to me blather on and on about the situation.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Well its been a couple days since I posted last. So sorry. Its been so beautiful outside that I have been relishing every minute of sunlight I can. I will post a much longer version tonight.

Now for your viewing pleasure. I give you ME!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


came across this on the web. LOVED IT!


It appears that I am getting wrapped up in the Idol drama. Oh well, call me silly, or just call me.

How can they still keep sanjaia? I dont understand...

I snapped this picture as I was driving by a nursing home for nuns.
I was alittle stunned to not see a little Jesus on the cross, and then I noticed the ladder. Does he climb down for lunch?


27 whole minutes until Idol is on and I can see that train wreck Sanjaia (spelled something like that) get voted off. I know we should probably be pulling for him, but I just can't handle hearing his pre gone crazy michael jackson voice one more time!!

Besides, unless they come out to all of us, I dont fell that support is deserved. Are you hearing me Anderson Cooper??!! Come out so I can watch your show again!! KNOCK KNOCK, its big Andy at your back door!

I still keep thinking about Peter Pace. Dont know why. But I do. It would be nice to hear the entire recording to see how the gay issue came up, or if he brought it up on his own. MMMMMM, to many people thinking about what we all do in bed. If one thinks about it, are the actual visuals running through their head??????????? Is the Chairman is having daily gay porn video shoots in his mind??

Ok I will be back after Idol....on Fox....LOL

tonights Idol

Just got done watching tonight's American Idol. WOW. There were two outstanding performers tonight. Lakisha and Melinda. These tow just belt out amazing performances. Each time they stand up on the stage, they both not only exude pure joy when singing, they also SING!

I know only one can win, and I know it wont be Lakisha. Even though she is my Favorite, I just don't think that the votes will tally in her favor. She will go on to have a wonderful career, and I will be one of the first people in line to buy her first CD.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I don't want anyone to think that I am about to go on a rant about Cheneys company, Halliburton. I would not classify this as a rant, just a point to make to any congress folks out there that may stumble onto this blog.

It seems very interesting that Halliburton is opening another corporate HQ in Dubai of all places. In the press releases it says that the CEO will be based in that location. Thought: If the CEO goes, is given some sort of citizenship in Dubai then would he be subject to a subpoena? If Halliburton calls the Dubai location a "headquarters" and all of their records are shipped there, do they have to comply with a subpoena?

It would seem that this may be a motive....Like I said, just a thought.

The General

Well it seems another appointee of our scholar the President has given us another example of the term "foot in mouth".

In an interview with the Chicago Tribune, and not widely reported by Fox News, OUR Chairman of the Joint Chiefs said:
"My upbringing is such that I believe that there are certain things, certain types of conduct that are immoral. I believe that military members who sleep with other military members' wives are immoral in their conduct."
Pace also told the paper, "I believe that homosexual acts between individuals are immoral, and that we should not condone immoral acts. So the 'don't ask, don't tell' [policy] allows an individual to serve the country ... if we know about immoral acts, regardless of committed by who, then we have a responsibility. I do not believe that the armed forces are well served by saying through our policies that it's OK to be immoral in any way, not just with regards to homosexual acts."

So, in essence they should not serve? I am not sure what the General was ultimately trying to get at. Was he saying that all gay and lesbian uniformed personnel should be booted out of the respective service they are in? If that is the case, then I would call upon all our brothers and sisters in Iraq to call General Pace and demand that they be allowed to leave the war theatre as they are "immoral".

I am also amazed that the highest ranking military officer publicly questioned an established policy of the armed services. This policy of don't ask, don't tell, while dumb as hell, is still that, POLICY. He should get behind it. (don't go there you filthy minded sex monkeys)

Of course, today he came out to clarify his remarks, and try to make nice. Funny how this administration continues to have their appointees flap their lips and gums, only to come out later and go....oops.
When will this country wake up and see that discrimination against ANYONE is soooo 1980.
All you have to do is look in our great nations history to see our mistakes. There was a time when white soldiers would not serve with blacks as it would destroy "unit cohesiveness". The same is said about our race. And yes, I believe we should call make ourselves a separate race. Just like, blacks, asians, etc. If we were in fact classified that way, then all the crappy laws banning us from equal rights would become mute. Instead of checking the box that says, white or black, check off OTHER and write in GAY. Then write it again, GAY GAY GAY!
When filing out your tax form, write GAY in occupation, write gay parent, write parent of a gay man/woman. Lets really track where our dollars go.

Monday, March 12, 2007

More Anna

Why oh why are people still going on about Anna? Most of all, why does Nancy Grace have nothing else to spend her energy on? This hate filled woman really should not have a show. Although she does give inspiration to those of us that actually have something intelligent and un dumb to say! haha

Saturday, March 10, 2007

not much

The other half and I went out for Mexican food tonight. Not much of a place. If it was not for being so close we probably would never go.

The folks in the booth behind us were absolutely annoying. They were older, 50's or so, and LOUD! The main culprit was a woman that had a voice that could skin a rabbit. High pitched, and just ear piercing. She was drinking way more than she should, and kept getting more obnoxious with each shallow of her margarita.

When I finally rule the planet, she will be on the list at the top to tie a very heavy Dodge Dart to her and send her off a very deep pier.

I see that alot of us queer bloggers do a hot guy segment. I dont want to be in the minority on this, so I will put a hot guy up tonight. He is so yummy. Turned out I was SOOOO his type.ha

Hair in time

I decided to comb the net looking for something that would peak my own interest. And I found it! This totally fashion conscious guy was recently booked in Florida for...come on, look at it and guess. I bet you never would have guessed a drug offense. You know you didn't. hahaha

Lets all sit back and pray that he can run a brush through it someday!!!

Friday, March 9, 2007

An Insight

I have to tell the story of my aunt. It is a RIOT!!!!

Imagine a large Kathy Bates, roll her in a sandbox, strip away any makeup, add a few fruit flies circling her head, and BAM! you have a Gail.

My moms 50th b-day was in Feb. we had a b-day dinner at a great Mexican restruant in Vegas. I LOVE the place. So, my cousin has a 18 month old baby and he had fallen asleep at dinner. Gail, in her ever so desperate need to look like a helpful person, decided to hold the baby in her arms while she ate. Keep in mind that she is the only person that I have ever seen that can actually dirty a black shirt.

So, with baby in arm, she proceeds to eat her stuffed pepper thingy, and red sauce began to drip from her fork and on to the baby's forehead...well its really a five head, but you get the idea. Without missing a beat, she would put the fork on the plate, and wipe the sauce off the baby with her fingers and lick them clean. All this while she appeared to be deep in conversation with my Grandpa. As I watched, totally entranced, my mother kicked me under the table, and tipped her head towards my aunts direction. It was clear by the look on my face that I was well aware of the situation unfolding at the table.

I could no longer contain myself. I broke down in near convulsions of laughter. As is typical of Gail, she naturally flet the need to know why my mother and I were laughing so hard. So, I told her. "Gail, for once your not dropping food on yourself, your dropping it on your grandson." With no change of her face, she uncrinkled her filthy napkin, and placed it over the kids head, and kept right on eating...well eating half, and still dripping the other in his head.

I know its hard to visualize this, but close your eyes and try. Its well worth the effort.

and now for your viewing pleasure.....

My first entry

Ok. Mark this day and time in the annals of American History. Here is yet another overweight, arrogant, and highly opinionated queer placing his irrelevant thoughts and ideas on the net for all to see. Wow, how special for all five of you that will read them. Does anyone care what I have to say?! I suppose that despite the overwhelming number of folks out there that have turned to the blogosphere, none will be more astute, intelligent and bullheaded as me.

As time passes, I will post so much about me, me, me. After all, is that not what a blog is all about.

For today, I will just go ahead and rant. I know your sitting on the edge of your couch, waiting with anticipation what I will rant about.

I will now give you a moment to gather your wits.

Got them? Good, here goes.

On a daily basis I watch People's Court and Judge Judy. I know that there is alot of editing that goes on with a semi reality show nowadays. I still cant help but to sit back and YELL at the t.v. Are we getting more dumber? It seems so.
A constant litany of sad, ugly trolls line up to show America, and the aliens watching how "most stupid" we can be. What would posses someone to give money to a total stranger? Why is it that a poor woman with three kids (mind you, keep it closed) would meet a guy from myspace, leave her babies home and bang the guy in his car, then give him money for gas, rent and who knows what else? ( you will find I ADORE run on sentences.)
I am floored at a segment of society will always believe they are THE victim, despite the FACT that they really should look at themselves and notice that they are not a victim, but simply DUMB.
Judy has it right when she says, "beauty fades, dumb is forever." That is one of the most true and accurate statements someone can make.
This should not be construed as an attack on the fat, and ugly, (I am both) but is should be read and absorbed as an attack on the society we have fostered. My grandpa's generation would never have taken pure stupidity and aired it to 10 million people. That in it self is DUMB.