
Friday, May 4, 2007

latest rant

So, I have been abit busy lately and have neglected all of you in cyber land. I will now make up for all that with a few rants about crap I heard on CNN in the last few days.
The head of the CDC said that during a flu pandemic you should wear a mask. Even though they have not been proven to be of ANY help....your best option, stay away from sick people.... THATS WHAT THIS DUMB BITCH SAID. stay away from sick people is the best thing to do. Thank god that Bush appoints only the most smartest peoples to head the very agencies that protect us. I feel so much safer.

Next, the government of Mexico said that since the year 2000 they have lost more citizens to immigration into the U.S. than death.
Way to go border patrol, keep up all that GREAT work.

Paris Hilton is in jail for 45 days...what can I say....HORRAY! Finally some good news. Maybe she will find a big lez to calm her skinny ass down.

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