Ok. Mark this day and time in the annals of American History. Here is yet another overweight, arrogant, and highly opinionated queer placing his irrelevant thoughts and ideas on the net for all to see. Wow, how special for all five of you that will read them. Does anyone care what I have to say?! I suppose that despite the overwhelming number of folks out there that have turned to the blogosphere, none will be more astute, intelligent and bullheaded as me.
As time passes, I will post so much about me, me, me. After all, is that not what a blog is all about.
For today, I will just go ahead and rant. I know your sitting on the edge of your couch, waiting with anticipation what I will rant about.
I will now give you a moment to gather your wits.
Got them? Good, here goes.
On a daily basis I watch People's Court and Judge Judy. I know that there is alot of editing that goes on with a semi reality show nowadays. I still cant help but to sit back and YELL at the t.v. Are we getting more dumber? It seems so.
A constant litany of sad, ugly trolls line up to show America, and the aliens watching how "most stupid" we can be. What would posses someone to give money to a total stranger? Why is it that a poor woman with three kids (mind you, keep it closed) would meet a guy from myspace, leave her babies home and bang the guy in his car, then give him money for gas, rent and who knows what else? ( you will find I ADORE run on sentences.)
I am floored at a segment of society will always believe they are THE victim, despite the FACT that they really should look at themselves and notice that they are not a victim, but simply DUMB.
Judy has it right when she says, "beauty fades, dumb is forever." That is one of the most true and accurate statements someone can make.
This should not be construed as an attack on the fat, and ugly, (I am both) but is should be read and absorbed as an attack on the society we have fostered. My grandpa's generation would never have taken pure stupidity and aired it to 10 million people. That in it self is DUMB.
Welcome to the world of blogging!!
I hope the future brings great tales of adventure, and that you share them with us :D
Thanks for the link
Thank you for the support!
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